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Friday, May 10, 2024

Smoke Mardeljano jedan je od onih jedinstvenih umjetnika koje jednostavno treba doživjeti, ako ne više puta onda barem jednom. S toliko ljubavi i bez imalo cenzure ili fasade bezuvjetno se daje svojoj publici i tako stvara. Sve što radi pretvara u čaroliju pa bi mu olako dali epitet guru uz reper i MC.

Jedan je od najutjecajnijih underground hip hop izvođača na našim prostorima, što dokazuju i brojne suradnje s regionalnim i stranim glazbenim velikanima njegovog žanra. Dokumentarni film ‘Ja repujem’ osnovna je ‘lektira’ svakome tko želi zaista upoznati lik i dijelo Smoke Mardeljana.

I ovoga puta neizostavna podrška Smokeu je iza dj pulta scratch majstor Dj Mrki.





Uvertira ove večeri je prepuštena jednom hvale vrijednom kolektivu.

Oni su HRAM, a njihov old school stil, dolazi direktno iz jezgre starih šibenskih zidina. Šibenski kolektiv okuplja beatmakere, MC-ije, DJ-eve i grafitere, odnosno sve aspekte hip hop kulture. Dugogodišnje djelovanje nije imalo komercijalne ambicije, no srećom, odlučili su iskoračiti iz mračnog podzemlja na površinu. Svoj album prvijenac snimljen na CD-u prodavali su s bicikla po ulicama grada.

Direktni, beskompromisni, nimalo pretenciozni samo su neki od epiteta koji se vežu uz hip hop senzaciju iz Šibenika. Oni su Scuba (Luka Škugor), Sensi (Senad Ramić) i Brat (Luka Lambaša), te beatmakeri Ca (Ivica Kojundžić) i Dankara (Antun Pelajić).





- Ulaznice u predprodaji će biti dostupne od ponedjeljka 06.05.24. u caffe baru Dalton po cijeni od 15 €.

- Na dan koncerta, ukoliko ih ostane, ulaznice će bit dostupne na blagajni kluba od 21 sat.

- Broj ulaznica je limitiran, stoga preporućamo da osigurate svoju na vrijeme


Smoke eng

Smoke Mardeljano is one of those unique artists that simply must be experienced if not multiple times, then at least once. With so much love and without any censorship or facade, he unconditionally gives himself to his audience and thus creates. Everything he does turns into magic, so he could easily be given the title of a guru, alongside a rapper and MC.

He is one of the most influential underground hip-hop performers in our region, as evidenced by numerous collaborations with regional and foreign music giants of his genre. "The documentary film 'I Rap' is essential viewing for anyone who truly wants to get to know Smoke Mardeljano's character and work..

Once again, indispensable support for Smoke is provided by scratch master DJ Mrki behind the DJ booth.




The introduction to this evening is entrusted to a highly praised collective.

They are HRAM, and their old-school style comes directly from the core of the old Šibenik walls. The Šibenik collective brings together beatmakers, MCs, DJs, and graffiti artists, encompassing all aspects of hip-hop culture. Their long-standing activity had no commercial ambitions, but fortunately, they decided to step out of the dark underground onto the surface. They sold their debut album recorded on CD from bicycles on the city streets.

Direct, uncompromising, and not at all pretentious are just some of the epithets associated with the hip-hop sensation from Šibenik. They are Scuba (Luka Škugor), Sensi (Senad Ramić), and Brat (Luka Lambaša), along with beatmakers Ca (Ivica Kojundžić) and Dankara (Antun Pelajić).




* Tickets will be available for pre-sale from Monday, 06.05.24, at the Dalton café bar for a price of €15.

* On the day of the concert, if any remain, tickets will be available at the club's box office from 9 p.m.

* The number of tickets is limited, so we recommend securing yours in advance

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